24.4.2023 - 28.4.2023

CONFERENCE: 52nd Jírovec’s Protozoological Days

Date: 24.-28. 4. 2023
Place: Pivovar Lyer, Modrava, Czech Republic
More information: here

The 52nd Jírovec’s Protozoological Days will take place in the village of Modrava on 24-28 April 2023. The meeting is organized by the Protozoological section of the Czech Society for Parasitology and the International Society of Protistologists and is kindly supported by commercial partners. Jírovec’s Protozoological Days is an annual conference with a long tradition, organized since 1969. The conference focuses on early-career protistologists of all grades (undergraduate and graduate students), striving to provide opportunities for direct interaction with their established senior colleagues (postdocs, senior researchers).

The program of the 52nd Jírovec’s Protozoological Days will traditionally include lectures covering mainly the field of protists’ molecular cell biology and biochemistry, biodiversity, phylogeny and systematics. During the meeting, prizes in two categories (the most outstanding oral and poster presentations) will be awarded to early-career participants. The conference program will include three invited lectures and a practical workshop.

Looking forward to meeting you in Modrava!